The Hidden Bijou
A dying story was left untold until today. Today you will be the first human exposed to this story, which was handed down from one generation to the next. So sit tight, light up your campfires, snuggle your snacks and enjoy this short story.
One day a wise child walked into a conversation of the dying story never told and listened very carefully. Soon, while sleeping, that child's grandmother, great-grandmother and great-great grandmother's spirit came to her in her dreams. They told her that there was a treasure hidden in an empire. The child asked them where she could find such a beautiful treasure?
They told her the treasure was so grand, that it would take her years to find it. As years past by, that child grew older.
As she grew older, she grew wiser. Finally after 30 years she grew up to be the worlds greatest artist. Her name was Bijou Huntsman. One day while showcasing her art, an older gentleman along with his wife, had stopped by to see her art on a late night. They loved it and asked her, "What inspired you to paint so beautifully and spiritually vivid?"
She told them of the dreams she had as a child and they looked at her in awe. Looking at each other, the partners smiled with laughter, kissing one another passionately. Turning their backs walking away, the wife admitted to Bijou something interesting.
"I know of that story. it had been passed down to me and my husband as children. One day you'll find that treasure. We found that treasure ourselves and never told anybody."
Frantic, the wise Bijou begged the woman to reveal to her where the treasure is hidden. The older woman again looked at her husband with bright smile and mischievous laugh. To her disappointment, that couple never told her where the treasure was hidden. Another 30 years passed by and now Bijou was an elder woman in her eighties. She had children whom had children and now she was a grandmother and well respected chieftess among her native land back at home. After all these years she had lived a full and wonderful life full of passion, fruitfulness and family. Her granddaughter Na'Kemi ran to her one fiery night and revealed some shocking news.
She had a nightmare of 3 old women telling her of a hidden treasure built into an empire. Chills rushed down Bijou's spine and the crisp air of silence overcame her energy. The chieftess grabbed her granddaughter with a forceful grasp with eyes welled up with tears.
"Please, Na'Kemi! Tell me of this hidden treasure. All my life I've been waiting to hear the secret that evaded me at every cost."
Na'Kemi, with her vibrant innocence looked deeply into her grandmothers eyes, wiped her tears and said, "Grandma, the treasure is here..." pointing to Bijou's left breast.
Looking down, the chieftess feels the little fingers of NaKemi pressed against her breast firmly. Bijou was touched yet very confused. She could not understand what was happening at the moment. Suddenly, a flashback of memories flooded her brain. She thought back to that night of her art showcase 30 years ago. The couple, their love, that dream she had as a little girl.
Now she was an elder looking over generations of family members before her. Mothers, fathers, children, grandchildren, aunts, nieces, nephews and more.
The beauty of her family and her growth over the years has grown so much. Finally, a light pierced through her heart and soul.
The treasure was not anything physical or monetarily tangible. It was her own heart. Her life, her family and all those who've gotten to know and love her. Even her deceased husband.
They all held the treasure of sharing her in their life and building their own golden empire. And one day her granddaughter Na'Kemi and great-granddaughters will do the same for eons to come.
The treasure of Bijou's love. That empire was built by wise men and women whose structure was so high, so beautiful. Yet nobody could see it...because it was hidden within them the whole time and passed down to their children and so on. Eventually, their love turned into a community of the future full of people who loved one another deeply until the very end of time.
For all those who still don't understand, know this, love is a treasure hidden when we are born and awakened once we reach a certain level of spiritual maturity.
Mature enough to understand its power and essence bleeding into our lives. Once we share that love with somebody else, we bring our effervescent soul to life. Evolving our soul is an eternal change and change is supreme over everything and all life forms. We live forever through love, even when we die.
Because love is a genetic memory passed down from eons of generational togetherness so that we may all enjoy its everlasting experience.
For that reason, love will always win till the very end of time itself. It is a treasure that can never stay hidden.