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Self-Acceptance & living up to your highest potential

Writer: Kenta TahirKenta Tahir

Updated: Mar 29, 2021

Hello Family! peace.

it has been so long since i've written the last article. i been through so much this year. from losing my son to cutting off toxic relationships to taking leaps of faith toward my greatest desires. overall i can say this year has definitely taught me alot and i've received the awards granted to me because of it. during this time off one of the biggest lessons i learned is accepting who i am. from head-to-toe and inside-out. no matter how much knowledge i gained in the process of life, nothing gave me greater satisfaction than accepting all of who i am. owning my wins and my losses. owning the good qualities of who i am and owning, what some may consider, the "flaws" of who i am. i mean really, i had to literally sit down and accept the fact that no matter what happens to me i have to take responsibility of what i allow to happen in my life. it's so easy to run away from your responsibilities and blame others for what happens in your life. that's considered taking the easy way out. to give up total control of your power to control your own universe and reality. for me personally, i am still in the process of accepting kenta. but what i can definitely do is give y'all some of the principles i picked up during the process of accepting who i am.

the question may arise..."hold in the fuck do i do that?"

listen, you're right i get it. don't get me wrong, it is not an easy process, as a matter of fact it may take you years to even attain self-acceptance. but then again nothing worthwhile is easy to come by. right? exactly. So make the time for yourself worthwhile.

honestly there's no easy way to explain this, so i'm gonna keep it simple this time. y'all know how i get down family...straight science and simplicity!

As i said before...LET"S DIVE IN ! !

Self-Acceptance - Principles 1-5


principle 1: Unlearn what you have learned

You heard master yoda!

Sometimes we have to start at the basic root of who we are. To erase what we thought we knew about ourselves. Start all over and clear your mind. Go home and look at yourself in the mirror. Look at your smile, your face, your hair, your lips, you body, your skin. Take a real good look and realize that the image you see is not only a reflection of your genetics handed down from your parents, but the vessel your soul chose to come through and manifest in the flesh. As crazy as it may sound, not many of us like the image of ourselves and how we look. Something so small and basic as how we see ourselves has such a huge connection to how we think of ourselves.

For example, we even have darker hue people who are teased about how dark they were as children and look to brighten their skin tone to please others or straighten their hair to look more like the fair skinned people.

All of these body imaging metamorphosis techniques sold to us from many angles of life; the media, t.v., movies, music, family, school etc. has us constantly re-molding ourselves to fit the standard of the masses of people. as a result, this causes us to model towards other standards of beauty - internal and external. But for right now we're gonna keep it internal. Unlearning that we have to fit how others see who we are. Unlearning that voice in our head that tells us, "you can't do that" or "that's impossible" or "because so and so said this, i have to change this because this will make them happy". All the bullshit we feed our mind is honestly unbelievable.

Professor Hilton Hotema, an esoteric writer, author and mystic said something very beautiful in his book, man's higher consciousness. He said,

"It is the fundamental simplicities that are always difficult to accept, because they are very simple, and therefore, unbelievable on that account."

Damn, that was so real. This is something we do to ourselves every time someone may give us a compliment and we deny/refuse it. Or when you do such a great job and have many talents at something yet push them to the side to accommodate others and put them at a higher pedestal. It is a constant beat down on your self-esteem. It seems as though we work out every muscle on our body except the one that really matters...our mind. The pure and basic exercise of confidence and self-love. Unlearning what our parents taught us who we are or unlearning what the school system and all parts of media taught you who you should be. And most importantly unlearning the ability of "c-a-n -t".

This powerful word "can't" can destroy our confidence right? I mean, when you say you "can't' do something or you "can't" be your better self is basically throwing out all the solutions you CAN be doing to be better at whatever you choose to do. What we don't understand that words are very powerful and can cause vibrations that affect the very ability to act on something. What a man/woman thinketh he/she becomes. If not now then definitely later (check out the article written on "How to know thyself"). We have to be careful on how we talk to ourselves. It is interesting that the fundamental secret of self-talk and self-awareness is simple, but we ignore this principle in our lives the most. Give yourself time to think in silence and reflect more.

Just because we learned something a certain way does not mean that it is THE permanent way of doing things. There are many ways of tapping into our inner power to learn different methods. it all begins with one step and then the next step. Life has many staircases but the hesitation to take that step can leave you just thinking. Thinking, but not doing, because thinking is a thought in and of itself. it's static. But to turn that thought into action is to give it life. This separates the dreamers who just dream and the dreamers who live their dream. Take what's essential in your life and throw away what is not necessary. The chatter in your mind can drive you nuts if you don't learn how to cease/control it. silence your mind and just accept all of what comes in that feels natural. Discern what is not you and throw it out of your thought database. You'll be surprised what pops up if you take the time to learn who you are!

Principle 2: It's never too late!

Listen here - IT IS NEVER TOO LATE to change anything in your life. It all depends on how bad you truly want it. The great George Washington Carver said,

"When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world."

And in this case we are talking about your inner universe. The power to get what you want in life is not a matter of impossible or possible, but a matter of time and how long it'll take you to get there. That's it! Even when it comes to your age, it is never too late. Since when did age stop anybody from achieving greatness? The worst thing you could do is live a life without cultivating your dreams into reality. Some people in this world literally die with their dreams and aspirations right along with them. Dreams that the world could have benefited from and now won't be able to see because they waited too long to live their dreams. Below I dropped a few success stories of people who achieved great heights at different ages.

- Ernestine Shepherd (80-year old black vegan bodybuilder who started fitness at the age of 56 years old with her sister. Crowned the world's oldest bodybuilder by Guiness Book OF World Records in 2011)

- Ashley Roxanne Peterson (24-year old osteopathic doctor. The youngest black osteopathic doctor in history)

- Hanif Johnson (27-year old and the youngest elected black judge in pennsylvania after winning the seat in the general election in 2017 for the Dauphin County Magisterial District)

- Mikaila Ulmer (11-year old [now 14-years old] black founder of "me and the Bees Lemonade" who used her great grandma Helen's flaxseed recipe to create the brand. It is a product thats the world’s leader in natural and organic foods and is found in Starbucks and Whole Foods stores across the country.)

- Les Brown (75- year old black motivational speaker who is seen across the globe and is ranked one of top public and motivational speaker in the world today. including the nation’s leading authorities in understanding and stimulating human potential (according to He did not start public speaking full time until almost 45-50 years old. and received the National Speakers Association's highest award, the Council of Peers Award of Excellence (CPAE)

Y'all understand now? There is NO AGE for success. it can happen to anyone at anytime AND at any age!!

Principle #3: Accept your strengths & Your weaknesses

Let's be real y'all, we all got issues of some sort at certain levels. Young or old, there are just certain issues we haven't dealt with on a conscious or subconscious level. Rather if it was in our childhood, teenage years or adulthood. We all have to deal with our shadow-selves hidden in the depth behind our social-masks. A wise woman once told me that, "the past doesn't become the past until it is accepted as the past". How many of us have all the money or love in the world, yet still self-sabotage ourselves because of an issue we had with somebody else or a situation years ago. The true question is, why do we do this to ourselves? What part of the past are we holding onto that we refuse to let go because of our claims of it "making us stronger"? Hell, we even see other people in situations of strength and try to emulate them because we lack that same power. It is all a matter of protecting yourself from what can make you feel in danger. Like a fight or flight reaction. THough it may work out at first as protection, these same reactions can also make someone burn bridges unnecessarily. Ultimately, there needs to be a balance of these attitudes and behaviors. Another wise Queen (Sistar Hakima) told me something that hits straight to the soul for many of us. She said,

"you can't be free & resist life. Don't twist or resist your inner power and who you are. You govern your own life and your own principles. Don't build yourself on someone else's idea of who you are. That is emotionally harmful & combines with other personalities instead of your own divine personality. it's not what they call you that matters - it's what you answer to..."

Wise words from the elder Hakima! That deserves a huge ASHE'O!

Just because you have flaws within yourself, it does not mean you're automatically a laggard. As human beings, our relationships shape our development of the brain and the mind. Our attachments to the negative flaws and negatives exposures in life, are a cost paid by emotions and their relation to those attachments. What some of us do not understand is that, attachments are temporary permanents powered by emotional importance. You must lessen the importance of the negative experience. In fact, you may be using these hardships of the past as a shield to prevent you from becoming hurt again. You say to yourself "just in case this happens then i'll..." and etc. Automatically, by the laws of the universe, you attract what you do not want because you power that energy with you intentions. The simple law of attraction, negative or positive.

When these factors you cannot control happen to you, your first defense is to put up this internal shield of anguish and pain to protect your inner innocence and vulnerabilities. We've all done it before, let's not bullshit. But, the challenge is to let these attachments go completely. When you become too afraid to lose all control of your emotions and outside variables you can't control., you are holding onto a poison that hurts you spiritually and mentally. Though the process of releasing these attachments from the experience is not easy, the answer is quite simple and that's to LET IT ALL GO. Find ways to release those energies holding you back from abundant happiness.

According to Daniel Siegel who wrote the book "The Developing Mind", he says, "understanding how trauma affects the developing brain can yield insight into the subsequent impairments in memory processing and the ability to cope with stress". In short, our mind regulates the flow of energy and information everyday. You must learn how to balance your thinking and energy flow by embracing the goods and "bads" about yourself. Need help strategizing your "Growth Plan"? Check out the book The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. [book shown below].

inside the book he gives you a strategy in which you write down your own philosophy you've used in life that helped you succeed throughout life. All of your positive attributes that you love about yourself. Then you would write down the behaviors that prevented you or may prevent you from succeeding in the future. Or, all of the negative attributes you do not like about yourself or are currently working on.

Overall, if it's positive or negative traits, you must Know them, accept them, change what you feel is a hindrance to your development and continue to create the reality you want to live everyday.

Go create that reality! Don't let it create you.

Principle #4: You are worthy to receive- Which is your destiny!

This is a big one right here! How many of us feel like we don't deserve the best of what life has to offer? I mean really, do you believe you deserve nothing but positive vibes in your life? Or did somebody or something destroy that vision for you.? Well listen, i'm here to tell you that, there are many factors in life that will get in your way.

Life is full of obstacles and that's okay because these obstacles test your will. Without obstacles how would we truly know our strength and fighting power? As our soul inhabits our body, the only purpose it wants is to fulfill the mission of living out its needs and desires to become great. For some in may be 20 years, for others 80, and unfortunately even younger than 15 year. But the point is that, you're worthy of receiving the best of what life has to offer. There is no such thing as "unrealistic" goals.

We cannot be held prisoner or accountable for everyone else's opinion of our lives and how we perceive what is possible. That is but social conformity and spiritual corrosion.

200 years ago it was "unrealistic" to fly across the world until the wright brothers patented the airplanes. 140 years ago it was "unrealistic" to literally talk to somebody across the globe until Antonio Muecci & Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. 50 years ago it was "UNrealistic" to talk to somebody without a cord phone until Henry T. Sampson & Marty Cooper invented the handheld cell phone (something WE ALL use everyday for social media platforms).

Here's a clip from Men In Black that truly embodied this point:

The list goes on, but the point is, what have you deemed unrealistic and did not try yet? To be worthy of receiving is not a reality until you believe it to be first! When you believe in your own power, suddenly everyone else around you starts to believe in their power too. Sometimes we can count ourselves out the game before the game even begins. That loss of confidence is caused by low self-esteem. Like Katt Williams said in his stand up, [warning: this is vulgar] " 'You fucked up my self esteem'... BITCH it's called SELF ESTEEM! It's the esteem of ya Mutha Fuckin Self Bitch... How did I fuck up how YOU feel about YOU ?". What we accept in our lives is what we allow ourselves to accept. Others are only going to treat you how you allow them to treat you and others treat you how they see you treat yourself. Does that make sense?...Yes?...Great! IT it's pretty simple family. For those who want a more in depth understanding of self-empowerment, try taking a look at the 7 hermetic Principles. from the Kybalion. The VERY first principle of the seven is, "mentalism".

It explains that THE ALL IS MIND (which is the substantial Reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances) which we know under the terms of "The Material Universe"; the "Phenomena of Life"; "Matter"; "Energy"; and, in short, all that is apparent to our material senses) is SPIRIT. To receive a deeper understanding of the magikal science, tapping into your inner-power and how to tap into your universal frequency, click here to read the article on "Focus & Distraction: Defining your reality". it's even broken up into 3-parts to really give you an in depth understanding of the power you have inside your mind and spirit.

I hope this helps beloved!

PRINCIPLE #5: Be completely unapologetic in loving & maintaining self-development

We've all heard the term "know thyself". If not check out this article on how to know thyself and click here to read and study it. You may find some jewels to take home and marinate with you. More importantly, knowing yourself, is not enough. You must study yourself and build your personal blueprint. Daily reflection is something we all take for granted. it's so easy to run away without others, but to run away and leave yourself behind...that's not possible! We could be doing 5-10 different thing daily and claim that we're busy, and yet not be productive at all. We sometimes get too comfortable when things seem relaxed. The goal is to stay aware, focused and anticipate your habits and thought processes. As the great Dr. Phil Valentine has said, "assess yourself and your circle to clear the dirt out your spiritual closet, and personal life. Connect with those who have given value to your life and build that bridge".

In other words, sometimes we are shaped by those we surround ourselves with. As the elders say, "Show me your friends and i'll show you your future". Take a second to think about this; Who should you count on and who should you count out in your life? What energies or people are you holding onto that is a detriment to who you are and building?

Well guess what family...Hold on too long and you'll be dragged just as long, if not longer.

This is all a reflection of who you are as a person;Inside and out. We have to be conscious of factors like these in our lives. Conscious of ourselves and who we are internally. Some may ask the question, "Well, what is consciousness?

Consciousness is a critical analysis of your everyday life. Period.

[Disclaimer: I'm about to get deep real quick!]


An overall self-analysis of the paralysis that affects you on a day-to-day basis is critical at this point of time of immense technological advancement and overt distraction of the human mind. Now, we have to work 10x harder toward gaining original thought and knowing who we are as light-bodies who walk this earth. Why? It is because of the mass influence of social media and people spreading popular thought processes in all types of situations on the global level. The public is shaped by how many likes and shares they get. Youth are growing thinking some of the behaviors exhibited by these social media icons are "normal" and okay. In reality, many people do not know who they are and want to gain recognition of the public instead of gaining a stronger sense of self. This causes deep insecurity amongst many people and even depression (social media depression) because many feel as though they are not doing enough. Since they see everyone on social media "doing it big" and "living their best life" they must be missing out right? (rhetorical question).

[WHEW! Okay, that was a brainfull😅]


In thinking this way and trying to keep up with the joneses, a deterioration of who we really are will be at stake. Only you define your reality and hold the keys to your destiny. Loving yourself, giving to yourself and sharing the best parts of who you are with the world, ultimately becomes what we call our destiny or purpose. After all, you become exactly what you imagine yourself to be. As human beings who serve a purpose, we're not just here for ourselves. We think that all of our experiences die when we die, but that is far from the truth. Truthfully speaking, experiences can be carried on after death and in the next life and resonate through the life of others we've influenced. That being said, we shall continue to take a closer look into the importance of how we shape our lives. Sometimes we can be walking ghosts with unfinished business. We cannot live without passing on our experiences to others beloved family.

Well Family!...I hope all of the knowledge dropped in this will help re-channel your mind and spirit. As said in principle #4, you are worthy to receive. Be faithful to your birthright and purpose - be the master of your glorious destiny. Destiny is not just what you live, but it is also what you make it to be.

I will close this amazing article with these words:

“Look to this day; for it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course lies all the verities and realities of your existence. The bliss of growth, the glory of action, the splendour of achievement are but experiences of time.

For yesterday is but a dream & tomorrow is only a vision; and today well-lived, makes yesterday a dream of happiness & every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day; such is the salutation to the ever-new dawn!”

- resonated by the great poet Kālidāsa .

Peace, Love & light Family

- Kenta🌍


2 comentários

12 de out. de 2021

Ingenious blog! Gave some great insight on a lot of different topics. Made me think much more deeper than usual.

Kenta Tahir
Kenta Tahir
12 de out. de 2021
Respondendo a

Thank you Queen! I’m happy to hear you enjoyed the read. ✨🙏🏾 🌍

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