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Remembering Your Dreams

Writer: Kenta TahirKenta Tahir

Updated: Oct 16, 2018

Hello beloved seekers!

These past few weeks have been quite interesting. I've noticed that we are now entering the fall season at full effect, which means that people are going to be sleeping more often. Yes I know what you're thinking, "I'm going to miss summer time =(". Well me too, even though I did not get the chance to go to the beach NOT ONCE... smh....pity. But that's besides the point. The point is, fall is here and winter time will be approaching soon which means hibernation for some animals, dead leaves, coldness, calm activities, silent nights and shorter days. As the famous Lauryn Hill said, everything is everything ya'll... But don't be sad everybody.

Sleeping is actually very good for your health. it helps restore your body, memories and most of all you get to dream all you want. I swear it is nothing better than getting that real real real good sleep. The kind that'll make you feel like a baby in your mothers womb again.

Did you know that when your in deep sleep your mind goes into a mode that helps us sleep called "Delta State"? Yes?...No? Good! Rather you know or not, there's nothing wrong with learning new information. As long as you apply it that is. =)

Well as usual...


There are five main frequency brain waves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta & gamma. Beta is a frequency of 14-18 cycles per second. This is the state of conscious awareness when we are all awake and alert. Alpha state is a frequency of 7-14 cycles per second. it is a bridge between beta and theta and a state of detached and relaxed conscious awareness. It is known as a mental state that governs deep meditation, relaxation, memories, daydreaming and fantasy. For those who have difficulty remembering usually has a issue with the alpha wave process frequency of their brain. Theta brainwaves or theta frequency is a process or state of mind which you subconsciously create everything and change reality instantaneously. This wave lays between a state of conscious and unconscious. it is a state of very deep deep relaxation which is usually used during hypnosis and has a frequency 4-7 cycles per second.

Theta state also happens during a process called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. Did you ever want the perfect calm after a storm of thoughts racing toward your mind like a freight train? If so, then Theta state is definitely for you. It help help you go into a trance like feeling that will make you feel like your astral projecting. It is said that we see this state in children who are looking at the television (or tell-lie-vision) and seems as though everything around them does not if they were sitting zombies. if you ask a monk who uses Chi energy/Theta state of mind during meditation, they will help you break iron over your head, walk on hot coals without feeling a thing or even balance yourself on a spear without getting skewered! Yeah....let's leave that to the master monks Lol.

Next is Delta waves. delta waves, as stated earlier, is the state of mind when we are in deep deep sleep. As a result of Delta frequency, we are put into a beautiful state of mind we human beings call dreaming! During this period, Delta brain waves slow down at a frequency of 0-4 cycles per second. Last but not least, Gamma waves. Gamma waves usually involves high brain activity and can even go to the range of 4-500 cycles per second. We see Gamma waves active in those who use instant miracle healing of the body and mind.


I don't know about ya'll, but when I dream it feels as though everything is more real than the my everyday reality. Our dreams are more than just subconscious events made up of random images. Our dreams can actually help us retrieve hidden messages that are happening in our lives. And for those VERY spiritually in-tuned beings, dreams can even assist in seeing the future before any events even happen.

The figures Below shows 2 things:

  • Figure 1 = depicts the arrangement of the subtle bodies during dream sleep – the physical body sleeps but the etheric, emotional and mental bodies remain active.

Dream sleep is similar to the waking state in that the consciousness thread is connected to the physical-etheric brain, but that is where the similarity ends:

- Waking State: the physical body is active, the physical brain is externally focused and the emotional-mental body is present.Dreaming State: the

- physical body is passive, the physical brain is internally focused and the emotional-mental body is absent.

  • Figure 2 = Frequency of all 5 brain waves (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta & gamma)

Figure 1

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Figure 2

Click Image for link to original source

For those who have trouble memorizing your dreams. I have created a guideline to help you recover the events in your dream.

Check it out below! These step-by-step methods might just help you retrieve those lost dreams you wish you'd haven't forgotten.


my breakthrough when it comes to tampering with the dream realm & unlocking ya souls messages from the subconscious.

1. I noticed that i had trouble remembering certain messages in my dreams and what my subconscious was trying tell me. I wanted to remember so that i can prepare for what might happen in the future or even now. Things I wasn't noticing consciously.

2. After reading books on Magik and unlocking the Magik through the subconscious (ex: Mental Chemistry by Charles Haanel, Esoteric Magic & the Cabala by Phil Cooper, Signs & Symbols Sourcebook by Adele Nodezar) I learned that the reason why it could be difficult is because I wasn't going into deep (Theta Waves) sleep and I would be up too late at night without recharging my melanin. So that meant sleeping more earlier or longer. Also it helps to light inscents like Dragons Blood or Gonesh Sticks (No.8) or light a white/black or purple candle with a black image of Saint Martin De Porres or image of Ancient God's/Goddesses (Use what elements work for you!!). It helps channel energy. Also, if you have any pictures of those handmade African masks or Abstract Metaphysical images with lots of angles of colors to help channel that spiritual energy like a vortex (like a personal dream catcher). Hang em up behind the bed or across from the bed on the wall.

3. It is best to ALWAYS make it a habit to keep a dream Journal and keep track of your dates & times. It'll help you organize ya dreams, including numbering the dreams (ex: Dream #1 Jul 27th 2018 -2:00am) Consistency is key to shit working for you.

4. This step is key! Under no circumstance do you leave out ANY important details in the dream you had. Rather it's names, voices, words, colors, gender, numbers, objects etc. Write all that shit down to the T! Details help point out what went down and what symbols may show you down the road. Every element in your dream, rather minute or enormous, is important and must be considered when interpreting your dreams.. As the dream dictionary says, " each symbol represents a feeling, a mood, a memory or something from your unconscious".

5. WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN right after you wake up. Not 30 minutes later or even 15 minutes later. Write it down right away! That being said, it is best to keep ya dream Journal in close vicinity to where you sleep so you can grab it right away. Also write in BLUE or RED pen ink colors for your journals. Science shows that these colors help w/ recording your memory. Especially Blue. Blue symbolically means spirituality, eternity, truth, wisdom & loyalty. Red is symbolic for life-force, energy, the Sun, masculine energy (pink is feminine energy) and power. If you find other colors that work for you use em! Just don't write in pencil. Pen is preferred & has variety.

6. Don't be afraid of what you see. Even if its a nightmare, record what went on in it and what you seen. Even if the experience seems awkward or strange. Strange & Ridiculous  could be good and work out in ya favor in the future! You really don't want to miss out on nothing ya subconscious or spiritual messages are trying to tell or send to you. The subconscious DOES NOT discriminate at all. Neither does the spirit, since the spiritual realm does NOT operate on reasoning, it operates on passing the messages irregardless of how you feel or not. Good or bad. Don't deny ya truth, Just accept the bold facts in ya face.

7. DRINK WATER BEFORE YOU TAP INTO THE DREAM REALM. Water is a formless mass. It symbolizes a mass of possibilities and movements of the moon (hence NIGHTTIME/DARKNESS/CARBON= MELANIN). It Also symbolizes unknown realms where otherworldly spirits dwell. Foggy/misty places between the world of the living and the dead meld into one another (Nozedar, pg. 146). Plus our body is made up of 70-75% water - to make it quite simple - STAY HYDRATED! Especially as you sleep since our bodies are still active as we sleep. Drink 1-2 bottles of distilled, ionized or spring water before bed. Try mixing Valerian Root (herb helps fight insomnia & light sleep) with water, that'll help dive into some DEEP DEEP sleep straight into the dream realm.

8. Once I followed this I began to see my dreams more clearly and remembered them often. Almost to the extent as if i was watching a movie in my brain. The more I tapped into recording the dream realm & followed my methods (even studying more books on symbolism & sleep), the more my dreams/Soul messages became clearer. I even had a few premonitions/life breakthroughs cause of notes from my dream journal in the past before certain events took place. Sounds crazy huh? Not if you are spiritually inclined and tap into your spiritual power. Never doubt the infinite possibilities that are hidden within yourself. Claim you greatness!

Welp...There you have it everybody!

I hope you enjoyed reading this article. these methods help everyone with their journey in and out the dream realm! !

Remember, consistent creativity is the key to mastering these methods. Discipline is definitely a must need habit in order to see your personal results unravel.

{Please do not hesitate to ask questions and refer to the chat/comment box below the blog home page or simply refer to the contact page for furthermore in depth questions}

Peace & Love People!

- Kenta 🌍


Here are some/extra books that were mentioned above

(They are easily accessible on amazon and other book selling websites)

Definitions formulated by Oxford Dictionary



  • a series of thoughts, images, symbols, numbers and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep.

  • contemplate the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case.

  • Middle English: of Germanic origin, related to Dutch droom and German Traum, and probably also to Old English drēam ‘joy, music.’



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