Yes, another short but SWEET article!
Peace family. I really want you to tie you feet down on this one. Better yet, open your eyes and see the world for what it is, a world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth (as Morpheus told Neo).
But did you know that Morpheus is an actual mythical God? In fact he is the God of SLEEP. Yes I said it, a God of SLEEP. No there is no irony in this. This is exactly what the directors of the Matrix wanted you to find out (technically Sophia Stewart). For those who paid attention to the Matrix series and kept up with the series, as you know, a new one will hit our screens on December 22nd of this year.
Without further ado, enjoy the short breakdown of the 'Morpheus' origin and DEFINTIELY CHECK OUT the awesome trailer below!

"You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." - Morpheus (The Matrix. 1999)
(Orpheus + M = Morpheus)

- Morpheus >Lyre (instrument)>Muses>Music>Melanin>Black/Moor People
- Melanin>Melatonin>Sleep

Morpheus (Black man) in the Matrix woke up those who were sleep. Destroying the Matrix.
Matrix>Matter(flesh)>Mother>Oracle (Black Woman)
We dream once we leave the flesh behind in our sleep.
We sleep in darkness.
Darkness=Melanin (melatonin).
We see spirit in our sleep. We see more when we sleep. We see truth when we sleep, when we leave the Matrix behind. Sleep is meditation.
Melatonin =Pills
A substance that black people produce more than any other people on the planet Earth. Morpheus gave Neo Melatonin/Melanin so he could awake from his sleep (dream) from the Matrix to find the truth.
Morpheus=God of Dreams
Morpheus has 999 brothers
The Matrix came out in 1999
Morpheus uncle is Thanatos (God of Death)>Thanos (The Avengers Infinity War)
Thanos had 6 children, 6 infinity stones & appeared in 6 movies>666 upside down is 999
Old saying: “Sleep is the cousin of death”
Without Morpheus (truth) we are all lost.
In the darkness we find the light. 🦋
End of fuckin' story...🙌🏾
- Kenta 🌎
P.S. Below are more examples of mythology and their hidden meanings in modern day language. 📚
Genius>Genie>Jinn>Djinn (Good/Evil)

(Book: Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities by Patricia Turner & Charles Russel Courtier)