A large star freezes and explodes to oblivion, causing crystals of light to take shape into 11 shards. Now separated, these shards begin to spread throughout the cosmic womb of triple darkness. This occurrence vibrated throughout the omniverse causing a crack in time itself. As the crack widened, nine entities were born. Together, they took on the role as the builders of what is known as the Kore’Nya which translates to, “Zero Existence” or “Zero Origins”.
As eons passed, creation started to crystallize. Planets, known as Horizons, differed in degree from one another. Stars, galaxies, and other dimensional lifeforms started to appear simultaneously amongst the Horizons. Everything began to be spontaneously fabricated by the Kore’Nya.
Unfortunately, none of the entities were very fond of lifeform existence. In fact, they despised its contagious effect on everything around it. How beautifully miraculous it became and how violently destructive it could possibly become.
So...they decided to create a sacred vow.
They would go on to study the light codes of life and embrace its growth for 3 trillion eons. After 3 trillion eons of having built everything beautiful, they would form a tribunal together and destroy everything in existence, including themselves. This would guarantee their return to nothingness. Evolving Kore’Nya to Kephura - a clash of prime chaos without life.
Out of all nine, three of the entities secretly grew fond of light. All three felt like life was a vibrant expression of resistance. Life was a pure cycle crying out for expansion and infinite possibilities. These three entities decided to plot their own tribunal oath in secret. At first, all nine of them had no name. We now know them as Numen.
Every one of them had a single piece of the original 11 shards woven within their existence. Like pulling a thread, the three of them carefully extracted a subatomic fragment called “Gru” (grain) from the 11 shards of all nine Numen and spread them throughout the omniverse. Gru held the dark matter codes necessary to either preserve or eradicate Kore'Nya altogether.

However, there were limitations.
Like weeds, life grew too much beyond their control. When one life was lost, another grew into its place. The Numen could not control life itself nor dictate the fate of the Horizons. However, they could still bend the free-will of any light-code lifeform. Like a whisper in the ear, Numen can silently influence and manipulate them. Realizing this limitation, they decided to create another vow. Out of trillions of lifeforms, nine would be carefully chosen to receive the special gift of Gru and a fragment of power from each Numen. Once these nine beings come together as one, they would go on to find the 11 shards and decide the ultimate fate of Kore'Nya. Their choice as a group would decide fate without the prejudice or influence of the Numen.
Willing such power would come with great revelation and miracles. But...with omiversal law in play, heavy consequences and sacrafice will follow.
Would these nine chosen lifeforms allow the omniverse to thrive in existence for eternity? Or will Kephura reign supreme and reduce all nine mighty Numen back to nothingness and birth a rapture never witnessed before in existance.
Fair or unfair - this is their destiny.