YES - YES IT IS!! Today we are in Black Future Month and so we are going to start this off with a BANG. Here are some inspirational and thought provoking quotes from some of our most illustrious and profound black scholars in history and mystery!
I do NOT own nor am I the original creator of any of these quotes/images/books shown throughout this article. The Supreme Court has interpreted “speech” and “press” broadly as covering not only talking, writing, and printing, but also broadcasting, using the Internet, and other forms of expression. The freedom of speech also applies to symbolic expression, displaying flags, etc. Therefore, no false statements are deliberately used to damage anybody's professional reputation or works. All images and content shown hereafter are strictly for educational/motivational purposes only and have been carefully acquired through free public access (i.e. Google and other public researching libraries). Under the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), all content published online is protected under copyright law, regardless of it having the copyright symbol on the page. Any content, no matter the form it takes (whether digital, print, or media) is protected under copyright law. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding DMTT, please refer to the contact or private policy page. Thank you.
That being said - Happy reading family!👍🏿

Before getting started, I just want to give a HUGE àṣẹ (pronounced: ah-shay; the empowered effective energy or lifesource that MUST manifest and produce change). to all these elder scholars, listed and not listed, who've passed on to the ancestral realm or still standing today doing the work. We thank and appreciate you for decades of unshakable scholarly works, dedication, genius, and resilience. We give thanks for your decades of fighting to save generations of people of color from miseducation, mentacide, and ignorance of themselves. You have helped many brothers and sisters escape from their oppressive thinking. You gave them power to put themselves back into their right minds of a historically eminent and intelligent people; particularly, our place in world history. Your legacy will live on forever for generations to come.
Today I come forward and bring everyone an array of information regarding black peoples place in world history. My intention is purely to educate others and help them understand that there is no place of study to be boxed in. You must study and sift through EVERY facet of scholarship in order to search for the truth. Though we are in the age of technological advancements, information still tends to be strategically misguided, fragmented, and harmfully manipulated through public opinion. Please understand, formal education, rather private or public, only teaches us what they want us to believe in the books THEY offer to us. Real education is truly self-taught through your own due diligence.
Real education has no ceilings on what you should know and not know. Everything should be up for investigation as it pertains to understanding information. You must investigate the subjects for yourself and don't trust any ones research but your own rather that be first hand, second hand, or third hand information. As the college professor in the movie Players Club perfectly put it:
"Always question the information you receive. If it is in fact the truth, then it should be able to withstand the tests of investigation."
I whole heartedly agree to this! Most knowledge should be applied to our own personal experiences and not just used as data to debate with others or feed our ego.
As much as I would love to make this a 45+ page research paper, I understand that our attention span has been hijacked by social media and other forms of technology. So we can become easily distracted in the blink of an eye (Supposedly 30 seconds or less). So please, stick with me on this awesome journey as best as you can. If you need to take a break from looking at the screen - then do it! (save your eyes the trouble 😂)
Waiting below are some pretty interesting historical facts concerning people of color on the planet; particularly black people. I can promise you that by the time you finish this whole article, you will crave an IRRESISTABLE thirst for self-knowledge. Well then - let's continue shall we!😃
Before moving forward, let's first start you off with a quick exercise to get your thinking hats on. I want you to quickly, but carefully, read this Negro History Bulletin in Figure 1 written by Rhobena A. Nelson in 1962.
Figure 1

Did you read it? Okay great! When you see/hear the word 'black" being used moving forward, it is used as an adjective for those of indigenous bloodlines whom carry sufficient expression of melanin (i.e. culturally, economically, physically, and spiritually). Unfortunately, black has also been used in a negative connotation as something evil, cursed, or to be terrified of.
Examples: blackball, blacklist, blackmail, etc.
Black, in the English Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Frisian sense, has been used for centuries as an adjective, noun, and observation to describe characteristics, qualities, and events of those of melanin-rich indigenous descent. Also, between the 13th-19th century, they would also also use "negro" or "negroid" to only describe those of phenotypical African descent. Respectively, both words translate to the word black.
Let me be very clear though, just because your light skinned with straight curly hair, an aquiline nose, and colored eyes, does not mean you are melanin deficient NOR means you "can't be black." Black DOES NOT define who you are or where your sovereign geographical position is on the planet. It is merely a part-of-speech describing what you look like. Click the link here to see the difference between "describing'" and "defining" someone or something.
That being said, you can be black American, black Australian, black African, black Asian, black Brazilian, black Caribbean, black Indian, black Hispanic, etc. Let us not fool ourselves as to separate one historical people from another, simply because we are on a different land mass. The proof is in our DNA - period. You do not take an African Zebra to Canada and call it a "Canadian Zebra". That would be foolish to think so, yet many of us still think this way and use this schema to define ourselves till this very day. I want YOU as the reader to see for yourselves the uses of the word black and how it has been used as a part-of-speech in our daily lexicon. As a courtesy, I took photos of an old dictionary myself and added them in Figure 2, and 3 below.
📌ITEM: English as a language is a West Germanic language originated and brought to Britain between 5AD-7AD. Modern English (New English) was not completed until the 14th-15th century. English is a bastardized and young language that is an amalgamation of many languages put together (i.e. German, French, Latin, Spanish, etc.). You can find the history of the English language in a book series called Stepping Stones to Literature 1st-7th Readers Vol.4 by Sarah Arnold and Charles Gilbert written in 1897. In the book it says that, "600 years ago (year 1297 AD) there were no printed books in Europe". I have provided a snapshot of this passage (page 86) in Figure 4 below.
📌ITEM: Keep the date 1297AD in mind. I will come back to the importance of that time period later on in this article!
Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Okay! With all of that being cleared away, NOW we can finally get to the fun part of the article. 🤩
After years of studying black history and our placement in ancient and modern civilization, I discovered some pretty awesome books (that were very hard to get by the way) and created a tapestry of information that pieces black people in the most remote and mysterious parts of history; or should I say - MYSTERY. Even in movie films, directors would take indigenous mythos, legacy, and history, rewrite them, and steal them. Similar to how The Wachowskis did Sophia Stewart, a black woman who originally wrote the book behind The Matrix, Transformers, and Terminator series. Sophia had to fight in court to win over the credit and royalties of at least one of those films; The Matrix.
Directors would either whitewash the roles, downplay people of color in films to supporting roles, pretend like they invented the stories, or act like they stumbled upon the original ideas and put them in films. Have you ever noticed this before? For example, in films like The Mummy, Atlantis, Cleopatra, Death Note (live film), Doctor Strange, West Side Story, Prince of Persia, The Last Airbender, etc. All people of color were either white washed or placed in the least important roles in the grand scheme of universal stories, even though historically, they (we) are a world-class people.
To be honest, we can't even blame these directors and creators for their ignorance. Why? Because we as black people must reclaim our heritage in the roles of universal and world history. So, as a homage to black history month, I will provide snippets of our roles in major world history and, as always, back them up with scholarship. We did not just reside in Africa starting off, but in other places in the world as well. I will define these time capsules as, "Gems💎."
💎GEM #1: Atlantis
Remember this movie???

If you were born in the 1990's then you DEFINITELY remember this movie. If you have not seen this movie, you should go watch it - RIGHT NOW. It was one of the most iconic animations created by Disney. Full of color, mystery, and imagination, the main character Milo traveled with a crew in the year 1914 to discover the lost civilization of Atlantis and found that it actually existed.
Even DC Comics created the character Aquaman as king of Atlantean people, who hid from the surface world and ruled over the seven seas.

According to Plato, a Great Flood sank the entire city into the Atlantic Ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune." Many books were created over the centuries that spoke of Atlantis and its existence. But I found this one book by Alister Crowley, an occultist, who found a different definition of Atlantis that correlated with the Disney animated movie.
Figure 1: The Book

Figure 2: Passage from the book

He clearly states that "Atlantis" translated to the "Black woman.” Isn't this interesting considering that the animated movie used a black princess Kidagakash to guide Milo within Atlantis?
There are plenty of other books over the century that mentions the existence of an Atlantean civilization. Another interesting book to read is, Atlantis: A Vanished Black Civilization by Gert Muller. This books also goes into further details on this subject. Another extension would be the study of Thoth, an African deity/Priest-King of Kemet (Egypt) known also as the Atlantean, who wrote the infamous Emerald Tablets. Thoth founded a colony in ancient Egypt and wrote the Emerald Tablets in his native Atlantean language which was translated by Dr. Michael Doreal.
💎GEM #2: The Scorpion King

If you loved watching The Mummy movies series, then you thoroughly enjoyed watching The Scorpion King. The Scorpion King is a movie telling the origin of the Akkadian Mathayus (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) who, in The Mummy Returns, made a deal with the deity Anubis for his soul in exchange for Anubis's army so that he may defeat his enemies. I don't want to ruin the movie for those who haven't seen it, but its fucking AWESOME! 😫
One day while I was listening to an online lecture, the teacher dropped some major books to go study as it pertained to black people in history. Doing what I do best, I went deep diving into the mystery book archives on the web, grabbed them, and studied my ass off. 📚
What I found was astounding! One of them was a historic book written in 1888 (19th century) and it mentioned not only the Akkadian people, but other ancient races as well. Check out what it said below.
Figure 1: The book

Figure 2: Passages in the book

If you missed it, go back and read these pages again carefully. Isaac Myer generously lists a vast bibliography in this book that proves why the cast director would have Dwayne Johnson, who is black, as Mathayus who sided with the African Nubian king Balthazar (played by Michael Clark Duncan) to take down Memnon's stronghold army. Also, historically the movie was based on Scorpion II who ruled in predynastic Kemet, which was an ancient black civilization. The Nubia region (Kingdom of Kush) was also under Kemetic rulership for more than five hundred plus years in ancient times.
Talk about alignment!
FYI: Nothing in films are put in place by mistake. Remember, screenwriters and producers are always trying to tell a story using hidden messages in dialogue and symbolism throughout the movie. We must thoroughly examine these tools carefully in films and figure out what messages they are trying to project to our conscious/subconscious mind.
💎GEM #3: From the East to the West
Buddhist worldwide have been spreading the word of Dharma, the eternal inherent nature of reality and cosmic law of behavior. These principles of Siddhartha Gautama aka Buddha would pass on from one generation to the next, without much changes from the original Sanskrit texts. From Tibetan Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism, to Mahayana Buddhism, all of them express slightly different interpretations of the original teachings of Buddha. All of them are in different parts of the world too, particularly the Eastern civilizations (Mongolia, Tibet, India, China, Cambodia, Russia, etc.).
Did you know there are several types of Buddhas as well? There's the teaching, laughing, meditation, walking, protection, calling-the-earth-to-witness Buddha and hundreds more. Each of them symbolize a significant moment in the life of Buddha. Even how he looks phenotypically has been altered over time. Here are some examples shown below.
Figure 1: Types of Buddhas

Now that you seen those - have you ever seen THESE images shown in Figure 2?
Figure 2: Buddha Statues
(These images were taken from the books; The Buddha Image: Its Origin & Development by Yuvraj Krishan and Kalpana K. Tadikonda ; Buddhist Sculpture of Northern Thailand by Carol Stratton and Mariam McNair Scott)
From fat Buddha, skinny Buddha, fit Buddha etc. there are many unique looks. But one particular feature on this man has not changed - his hair.
📌ITEM: Before we move on, I'd like to quickly brush over some information you may have heard or seen online. There is one rumor currently going around that all the statues showing Buddha having coiled hair, was not hair at all, but 108 snails. They titled them, "The Snail Martyrs." For example, the book 3000 Facts About Historic Figures by J.E., Fact #540 in this book states that the 108 snails sacrificed themselves so he wouldn't suffer a sunstroke while he meditated in the sun (pg. 72). In another book, 1000 Facts About Historic Figures Vol. 1 by J.E., Fact #200 states the exact same information, verbatim (pg.40). Another book called Amazing 100 Facts Vol. 1 by S.E., stated again, the same fact - VERBATIM (pg. 40).
📌ITEM: All three of these books were published in the years 2018 and 2019.
Those who claimed this similar tale, were on blogs and different sites. What was similar between all of these articles, including the books? Simple. NONE of them cited any historic scholarly references, nor Sanskrit, to back up this claim that "The Snail Martyrs" are actually Buddhas hair. There were THOUSANDS of books written over the centuries describing Buddhas hair including iconographies, images, and origin. Yet, none of them written before 2018 (the furthest 2010) ever mentioned anything about Snail Martyrs being on his head.
Though other bloggers online claim this is a tale that most people "haven't heard of", the next question then comes to mind; If it was a rare tale that we "haven't heard of before", then why haven't the thousands of previous scholars and scribers all over the world ever mention this??? You would think, upon centuries of scholarship and billions of Buddhist practitioners in the world, that AT LEAST ONE archaeologist, historian, scholar, practitioner, etc. would mention if his hair were actual snails.
📌ITEM: To humor this theory, I took an hour or so of scanning forums and researching books that could possibly mention this theory of 108 snails. Some forums had Buddhist practitioners in them (i.e. Reddit and others). No books were found prior to 2018 providing this and Buddhist in these forums claimed they have NEVER heard of the 108 Snail Martyrs being mentioned. Especially in these modern times with the vast amount of information regarding Buddha tales and Sanskrit throughout the world.
All in all, this once again proves that there are, amongst this information age, those who are either policing information or providing false intel to confuse the people. Many articles online nowadays are spreading misinformation without referencing any proper citing of scholarly works nor substance to back their claims. To put it quite simply, they are FULL-OF-SHIT.
On the flip-side, I will admit that I found it interesting they used the number 108. Which represents the 108 elements on the periodic table adding up to the number 9, which represents "rebirth" or completion of enlightenment. Check out my previous article about the significance of the number 9.
Lets see what our most prominent scholar mention about Buddha!
Descriptions of Buddha
Figure 3:
( 100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof by JA Rogers)

Figure 4:
Apocalypsis Vol. 1 by Godfrey Higgins
Figure 5:
The Buddha Image: Its Origin & Development by Yuvraj Krishan and Kalpana K. Tadikonda ; Buddhist Sculpture of Northern Thailand by Carol Stratton and Mariam McNair Scott
This is pretty striking information!
It's pretty clear that the Buddha images shown earlier had a obvious pattern. They were all changed in the eyes of whatever specific civilization of people who praised him. But when it comes to colorism, colonialism, racism and imperialism, the images of deities and prophets were taken from the ORIGINAL symbolic ideas of the oppressed (autochthonous people) and manipulated to fit into the image of the oppressors and conquerors.
To make it plain - it is a TOTAL mind-fuck operation, from one generation to the next. Period.
This mentacide tactic plays out in many of the fragments of history we have available throughout the world today. This is why we must always do our due diligence and arduously sift through the facts ourselves to align them in their rightful perspectives.
In the words of Buddha:
"Three things cannot be hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth".
💎GEM #5: The devil spelled backwards is lived
"Stop and consider if whatever you buy, see, listen to, or do is popular. If it is, it is programmed, and like it or not, so are you."
- Anton LaVey (The Devils Notebook)

If you look at this image fearfully or say, "OMG that's the devil, this is evil." then congratulations. You have become programmed and robbed of your common sense, critical thinking, and most of all, you have been robbed of your awareness of the truth!
This is the symbol of the Baphomet. An ancient symbol used as the devil and Satanism. It is a symbol that has been propagated to turn people off from attaining its origin and true power.
For example, Hitler used the reverse version of the Swastika for his own imperialistic tyrannical programming, when it was really an artified ancient symbol of well-being and good fortune. It was often tattooed on the Hindu elephant deity Lord Ganesh (Vighneshvara). According to the Vedic and Upanishads Sanskrit texts, Ganesh is the most revered deity of all deities in Hindu mythology and spirituality. Ganesh is truly a symbolic embodiment of the shapeless supreme consciousness and master of initiation and mysteries, just like the Baphomet.
📌ITEM: Read the book; Gods of Love and Ecstasy The Traditions of Shiva and Dionysus by Alain Danielou.
Today we get rid of spookism, get into the scholarship, and become adept in higher sciences like our ancestors!
So what does the Baphomet, the sabbatical goat, symbolize??? Well, according to the Necronomicon by HP Lovecraft, the Baphomet was called the God of the Moon (NANNA). The later Sumerians and Assyrians called it SIN or the Father of the Gods as the completed one. Baphomet is the "wooly haired one" and is depicted as wearing horns, a symbol familiar to the witches as their God. Its horn shaped crown is illustrative of the crescent phases of the moon and was symbolic of divinity in many cultures of the world.
Example: Ever seen Rockstar's throw this symbol in the air before? Its also the symbol of the Karana Mudra and La Fica; both seal protecting symbols channeling the flow of vital life force energy.

Baphomet is the balance of man and woman, heaven and hell, the 5 elements, kundalini rising, the unicorn, the faun (Pan), Christ (Kristos) energy, enlightenment, the ACDC (direct/alternate current) of the universal consciousness of man and womb-man, etc. etc.
Believe me, it would literally take hours to explain to ya'll, all the information defining what it means and even a lifetime to understand all its eclectic elements. You may be asking, "what does this have to do with black history and black people?" The answer to you is, ALOT!
I will answer that question using these snippets I provided below. For now, check them out and read what they say. You may be shocked at what they reveal!
Figure 1: Baphomet and the Islamic Moors
Figure 2: Baphomet & Hollywood
You notice that they used a black man as the image of Pan in the Percy Jackson movie? Also in Pans Labyrinth, the setting took place outside Madrid in rural Spain. Spain is where the West African Moors settled in order to conquer and civilize Europe from 711AD-1492AD. Coincidence??? I think not! Everything is everything.
Figure 3: Baphomet, Mark of the Beast, & Chess
If you look closely and read, you'll realize that the strategic game of chess was brought to Europe by the Moors. Did you notice that the colors of the chess pieces are black and white, or ebony and ivory? This is because each player must choose a side. Black represents defense or the negative (absorbing/visible/feminine) energy. White represents offense or the positive (repel/invisible/masculine) energy. Here is another symbol, shown in Figure 4, that you may be familiar with that correlates with this same color scheme.
📌ITEM: Black is darkness, the unknown and the 666 energy, that we call the "mark of the beast". The mark of the beast is nothing other than the alchemical chaotic formula of melanin, which in its purest form, is carbon. Carbon, in its crystalized pressurized form, becomes a diamond (See what I did there😏). The carbon atom has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. Melanin has an atomic weight of 318.3 (3+!+8+3) = 15 (5+1) = 6*
Figure 4: Baphomet and the Balance of Energies/Duality
As you can see, the Baphomet embodies both the Ying-Yang symbol and the Pentagram (5-pointed star) as well. You may have seen the five pointed star as Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, which also symbolizes the completed man. The completed man is ALLAH (Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm, & Head) who embodies the cardinal directions of North (head/crown), South (feet), East (chest/heart), & West (back/spine). If you look closely, the pentagram is on the forehead of the Baphomet, whom by Idris Shah is, "none other than the symbol of the completed man."
📌ITEM: The pentagram is also a symbol of Ishtar, a Mesopotamian goddess of war and love, according to Akkadian and Sumerian people that made up Mesopotamia. Get the book Transformation of a Goddess
Ishtar, Astarte, Aphrodite by David T. Sugimoto.
📌ITEM: You'll notice the medical symbol known as the caduceus which rests between the Baphomet's legs. The two snakes are symbolic of the serpent energy, fecundity and fertility, divine feminine energy, and the coiled kundalini energy rising up at the base of the spine (darkness/ignorance) toward the crown chakra (light/higher wisdom). The crown chakra is where the Pineal gland is. The Pineal and crown chakra is also known as the bridge of the cosmos. Get the book The Serpent Grail - The Truth Behind The Holy Grail, The Philosopher's Stone and The Elixir of Life by Phillip Gardner and Gary Osborn.
If you go back and look into Figure 3, the chess board has numbers 1-8 and 8 letters; A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H. Numerologically, the number 8 represents the planet Saturn...and Saturn is the ruler of which zodiac sign???🪐
That's right you guessed it - Capricorn (cardinal sign) the goat head!
Whew!! - What a helluva journey family!!
Well, I would hope you kept up and took as many notes as possible ya'll!
I know this was a lot to take in, but guess what???
I PROMISE - your brain will DEFINITELY thank you later 😎🧠
With everything coming to a close and all this information provided, I hope you find the thirst to research information properly. Do not allow the media police, oppressive Prussian school system, and dogmatic isms scare you away from knowing who YOU truly are. After all, a lot, if not ALL advanced inventions were created by your own ancient black ancestors just like many other inventions in the world that are seen today (i.e. Pyramids of Giza, cell phone chip, computer algorithm, toilets, the clock, almanac, universities, etc.).
Need I say more??????? Oh - And for all the skeptics.
Don't get mad...GET SMART! Prove me wrong!
There comes a time when we have to take control over our mental and spiritual diet and what we ingest on a daily basis. That includes consciously, culturally, economically, historically, spiritually, subconsciously, and more.
Life is fragile and we must live our lives with intention, not hesitantly, but purposefully.
As the late great ancestor Dr. John Henrik Clarke said, "Powerful people cannot afford to educate the people that they oppress, because once you are truly educated, you will not ask for power...you will take it!"
Lets start by doing it today. The time is NOW and will always be NOW!!
- Kentẚ 🌍✊🏾
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I'm sure you know the answer to that😅
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