FINALLY...I get the chance to write honestly & truthfully without any roadblocks or lies to myself. and to honestly express myself. A no holds barred battle between my mind, my heart and my spirit. Not a negative battle, but a friendly battle for balance. A battle I've been facing for years on end that I can NEVER seem to win within myself. Yet, one always outweighes the other. When I would write poetry over the years, it was always in imitation and barely recognizable of my true feelings; only half original and half me (I'm sure some of you artists can relate!).
But now I feel different. I feel the urge to truly write using what my inner spirit has given me to write. similar to how I write in my dream journals, full of expression and truth - my truth. In this year of 2018 I made a promise to myself that I refuse to break. A promise to be more honest than I ever was before. To be more honest to others I come across and those that I love and care about; more importantly to myself, even if it bruises my ego. That's the sacrifice I am willing to make to live freely and know my truth. Honesty and truth is like that bitter medicine our parents made us take as children. We know that shit is going to taste bitter as hell and probably cause you to gag. Yet, you take it anyway and fight the disgusting taste and anguishing texture of cherry (maybe it's just me who hated that flavor!) to feel better. Moments later you start to feel better and heal, realizing that it works like a charm and you might even have a pep in your step!
The next time you take the medicine, your are not hesitant about the medicine working. In fact, you already expect it to work because you believe in its power and results in healing your sickness- THAT is what truth does to the lies we deal with in life. It is a bitter medicine that turns sweet overtime. Let's be honest, we all need that bitter medicine every once in a while, even if we hate it.
How many of us feel like we are imprisoned? Imprisoned and thrown away by our lower energies (i.e. anger, hate, lies, jealousy, envy, depression etc.) just waiting on the golden key of life to free us from the spiritual lock-down in the cells of our mind. After all, freedom does start with you and how you think. Why? Because the truth you want and the law of correspondence (or law of attraction) will always align itself with what you need most, only if YOU believe it to be possible. You just have to believe first with your heart, second with your mind and overall with your soul; a sort of "soul alignment". We all have a purpose and want to think free thoughts to busy our dreams and desires in order to fulfill that purpose.
The true question is, are you willing to do what it takes to have freedom by any means necessary? This is indeed a question we must ask ourselves on the daily.
Much Peace & Love
- Kentà
the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint."we do have some freedom of choice"
the power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity.
Old English frēo (adjective), frēon (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vrij and German frei, from an Indo-European root meaning ‘to love,’
(Formulated from the Oxford Dictionary)