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Focus & Distraction: Defining our reality - Part 3

Writer: Kenta TahirKenta Tahir


Exiting the Rabbithole & Entering Our Inner Universe

Looks like ya’ll are still with me on this journey to self-awareness. I am thankful you've made it with me throughout this journey.

You take any notes?? 👀 ✍🏿

I hope so beloved, because they won’t teach you this in school ! !

Let’s continue to do the wisdom and knowledge.

As mentioned in Part 2 there needs to be s specific focus to make things manifest into reality, but how many of us have wanted something and got it, but it wasn’t as precise s we hoped for. You know why? Because we simply were not specific enough. We described what we wanted yet still didn’t get to the core and center of what we wanted. Let’s break it down ya’ll!

In part 2, the Quantum manifestation equation was not finished (purposefully).

Here’s what was missing:

Quantum Thinking + Definite Desire + Quantum Effects + Quantum Mechanics

= Complete Law of Attraction

This is an essential principle of the first Hermetic Principle (there are 7) and that is, “All is Mind”, being number one.

Many of us leave out the need to be specific about what we want to manifest. Not describing but defining. Let’s be clear family, there IS ABSOLUTELY a difference. If it is not right and exact, its bullshit!

Why? Because wouldn’t you rather have everything you deserve than just half of what you deserve. If you work 8 hours on a job and only get paid 4 out of those 8 hours, you’d be pissed, hell I would too. We must define our experience and that which we focus on in the universe and within ourselves and how we express ourselves to be satisfied. To define something is the exact nature or meaning of something. It is to make clear without any separation of facts.

“Definite/Define” breaks down this way


Latin meaning:

De (completion) + finite (finish) = Definite


The word define corresponds with the word ‘direct” and the word direct simply means leaving no one or nothing in between. To be direct is to get to the immediate source. To be definite and direct combines the essential qualities, details and discoveries that set forth the meaning of something important in all its essence and existence. We are talk about a POWERHOUSE of energies carrying a purpose of revealing the essence of who we are. Here is how “describing” can separate the monks from the chumps.

If you were to describe something, you would simply give an account in words of someone or something and include all the relevant characteristics, qualities or events. As a matter of fact, one could even map out a model of what he/she is describing and be okay, yet still not completely sure. “Describe” breaks down this way


Latin meaning:

De (down) + scribe (write down) = Describe


Describing something can be okay, but its still not right and exact and defining something. Describe corresponds to the words obsolete, distribute and transverse. All three of these words essentially spreads out or covers what needs to be revealed. They divide and separate something so that you may see its pieces, but never the whole altogether to reveal the bigger picture or source. All these principles relate to the source of our own souls, whose mission is to define its purpose in the physical realm. A soul (sun) equals self, before physical creation and our original manifesting spiritual identity.

The spiritual matter/matrix/manna (“mater” meaning material or mother principle) helps define that experience by giving the soul a human body to sleep in while it manifests these experiences. Manna is the moving energy that makes the physical animated. Just like a captain on a ship of crew. Without the maps or captain to guide the seamen to their destiny, then all would be lost at sea. Without the ship to sail on, the captain, crew and map become un-purposeful and resources become wasted with way of reaching their destination on sea.

According to Daniel Marques book, Spiritual DNA, the spiritual manna connects the soul to the field of unlimited energy of what always have been and will be. Together, these forces create infinite intelligence in the ultimate matrix of life. But it all depends on how we use it or call upon our souls’ energy. Therefore, we all have different auras that carry a specific frequency emanating from our bodies. For some people, their spiritual state can show their physiological state (looking depressed or angry). Even some of us who are spiritually aware can pick on energies of people and get their “bad vibes” or “just not feeling them” or “feel like something is just not right”. Our energies irradiate from the core of our heart which reflects not only our intentions, but primarily our soul. For example, you may know of people who emit a powerful focus of spiritual energy through clairvoyance, telepathy and premonitions. Essentially, these 6-7th senses people have labeled as “supernatural” are a result of absorbing the cosmic energy around us and channeling them with their own immense power.

Marques stated that, “our spiritual frequencies re-define and reshapes the soul in its unlimited development and progress throughout life.”

That feeling you get when you are get diseases, depression, fear and anxiety is ultimately called upon the self because our soul isn’t fulfilling its life purpose. Its like trying to push a huge rock up a hill, it just won’t work effectively. Distraction causes fear and anxiety.

According to Marques, having an integral focus of spiritual, physical and mental energy maintains our biological DNA and we start to unblock all our knowledge from previous lives retained in our soul subconscious. Detaching or getting distracted from your spiritual lifestyle/path of focus, embraces material achievements of greed and all physical attachments. Therefore, we start suffering from degenerative diseases, anxiety and stress as mentioned before. Profoundly, Marques has given a jewel as the crux of his book. He mentions that, every time we’re reborn we bring our skills and wisdom from previous lives and adjust them to a new existence (new body). All of this is imprinted on our spiritual DNA.

“Spiritual focus can melt the illusion of this material world with the equivalent conscience that empowers and changes our DNA…we experience what we need and must, not what we want. Truth can only be fully perceived upon the experience of untruth.”

- Daniel Marques (Spiritual DNA)

These wise words from Marques adds to the formula of self-manifestation. Your focus needs to be called on with the direct purpose of spiritual energy. This is turn, completes the manifestation of self and cause the spirit, soul and matter to interact amongst each other. We are electrical fields of energy with a specific spectrum of waves/strings of light interacting together. Similarly, every individual emits rays and waves and we can know these radiations and waves through studying of our own light energies being emitted. The way we choose to focus these light energies within us is all left to the choices we make in life. From the cradle to the grave.


The Levels of Frequency

[As formulated by Daniel Marques]

14Hz = Higher Consciousness

13Hz = Learning

12Hz = Mental Stability

11Hz = Relaxing State

10Hz = Clarity

9Hz = Memorization

8Hz = Lucid Dreaming

7.5Hz = Creative Thought

6.5Hz = Center of Theta Frequency

5.5Hz = Intuition

5.35Hz = Efficiency

4.9Hz = Introspection

4.0Hz = Problem Solving

3.9Hz = Inner Awareness

3.5Hz = Regeneration

3Hz = Tranquility

1Hz = Harmony

State of Beings

[As formulated by Daniel Marques]

1. Highest State of Being - Absence of thought, with an awareness based on intuition

2. Medium State of Being - Thought directed towards creativity, visualization and dreaming.

3. Lowest State of Being - Constant thinking, as an effect of the environment.


WOW family!!

You made it to the end of this tunnel of information and knowledge and hopefully you came out with some treasures to take home with you and let marinate inside you. Here is something to take home with you. Our consciousness arises on the daily as we grow older in life. Thus, the knowledge of ourselves and our higher selves would arise simultaneously as well. Growth must be continuous even if we fall along the way on our path. In all truth, the spiritual realm is not going to send you anything that's not apart of your spiritual initiation to arise at a higher level. The end is only the beginning to something new.

Much Peace & Hair grease

- Kenta 🌎

I Leave you with these gifted words of wisdom...

“My body desperately struggled to stay alive and my mind expanded toward the infinite. Listen, see and dare to change your own world, a world made of thoughts and automatic responses…a good student makes the most of whatever information becomes available…my adversaries have come and gone, vanquished by love (of self). They fought relentlessly within the hallways of the human mind, that splendid battlefield...”

– Don Miguel Ruiz [The Toltec Art of LIFE & DEATH]


2 commentaires

Kentà Tahir
Kentà Tahir
12 janv. 2019


Kentà Tahir
Kentà Tahir
12 janv. 2019

🤙🏾💯 For those with a facebook you can log in through that or simply create a profile on this site. Thank y'all for the continuous support!! Much peace & light - Kentà

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