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Focus & Distraction: Defining our reality - Part 2

Writer: Kenta TahirKenta Tahir


Entering the Rabbithole

Hello! I see your still here...

Take a break if you need it or even sleep, wake up and come back.

I hope I did not lose you yet, because its about to get HEAVY and our journey is about to truly start.

Finding the hidden dimensions in yourself is the only way to fulfill your deepest hunger. The deepest hunger in life is a secret that is revealed only when a person is willing to unlock a hidden parts of the self…”

- Deepak Chopra [The Book of Secrets]

Chopra says that, we must swim far out beyond the shallow waters, plunge deep into ourselves and search patiently until the pearl beyond price is found. Our focus, within the grasp of our perception, rules the frequency input, output and magnetism of what is received and returned to us in reality. It is a result due to the response of our thinking patterns. Once you change your thinking and focus, you literally change the way your life conducts itself around you. Why is this? Well, you ever had a n experience of thinking of somebody so strongly that they end up calling you or you end up seeing them moments later? Even without any physical contact with them? Let’s take this step by step family. This involves what some scientist may call “Quantum Thinking”.

First, quantum thinking involves a shift from linear thinking to higher order and holistic thinking. This gives the mind the ability to function at a higher level of creativity and innovation. Quantum thinking starts out through activation within the hippocampus part of our brains.

The hippocampus, located in the lateral ventricle of our brains

(as shown in the images above)

It controls the center of our emotions, memory and automatic nervous system. Therefore, the most integral aspects of all our experiences goes through the hippocampus as a copious file in the cabinet of our brain.

This basically implies that our deepest experiences carry a sort of weight that can result in hindering our future experiences, being expressed by trauma, or help us live better experiences being expressed as a joy and contentment. Second, this result of how these experiences affect us due to Quantum thinking is called “Quantum Effect”.

[DON’T worry😌... this will all make sense later... just keep reading!]

Now, Quantum Effect is the interference between electrons and other universal particles. Essentially, “magnetism” and the quantum effect go hand and hand. Check this out. Magnetism is the motion of electric charges (particles of light) resulting in attractive and repulsive forces between objects. In fact, these forces can be a person, place, idea or thing. Those particles of light or photons (phōt + electron), are electrical radiation patterns that actively move in space and have zero mass (meaning zero rest). Ergo, the speed of light or light speed moves at zero rest mass. Third, the specific physical action due to the result of the quantum effect of these electrical patterns moving through space, is called “Quantum Mechanics”. Quantum mechanics is the actual motion and interaction of those atomic and subatomic particles or

electrical patterns in action. Quantum mechanics literally puts those quantum effects into motion.

Here is when is gets HEAVY family!

The equation of all three quantum’s in action is this:

Quantum Thinking + Quantum Effects + Quantum Mechanics = The Law of Attraction

In short, your thoughts are particles of light that move at zero mass and automatically interact with those same energies in which you carry in your mind. Rather if those energies are negative or positive, you will attract them at light speed. Even if it takes seconds, hours, days, months, or years to happen, the more you feed and add weight to those thought particles of light and put them in motion, the faster and more powerful those energies return to you. How does the old saying go? Oh right, “whatever energy you put out you will receive back 10-fold”. As you think so shall you become. Think and it will be. Albeit, focus or distraction, both can come back to you with heavy results. It all depends on how you act on those experiences you receive.

Who would’ve ever thought that this old saying was a living mathematical principle of focus from the universe!

Dope shit, right?...DOPE SHIT INDEED!

Now that we have the formula for focus, Part 3 will reveal where exactly your focus can be directed and how your focus can be used for your own benefit. Not describing what you want to manifest, but to define your focus using spiritual science and principles of thought. We are almost their family! I hope ya’ll are NOT distracted (jokes). This river of knowledge is flowing, and I don’t want to lose anybody to the current. Stay with me and let’s swim all the way to the end of the tunnel.

Click here to see the light at the end of the tunnel



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