Hello and peace to everybody!
My apologies, I know it’s been while since any article was written, and to be honest its been a hell of a couple weeks. So many different things going on spiritually and mentally that I needed to honestly take a break from writing articles. Many people have asked, “when is another article gonna be written?” or “Ayo, here are some ideas that you should definitely write for an article...” etc. etc.
to all of those who came to me about supporting the DMTT site and community, THANK YOU SO MUCH.
You have kept me on my toes and are all most definitely appreciated. But I gave them a simple answer, I simply needed the break to focus on important aspects of the internal parts of my life. Sometimes a break is necessary for recharging our energies so that we may come back stronger and sharper than before. Nonetheless, I have been doing some serious DEEP DIGGING and soul searching to find amazing treasures so that I may come back and share some of those treasures with you beloved seekers.
Of all the ideas mentioned to me, one suggestion stuck out more than any of them at this time. A member of the DMTT community had suggested that I write about “Focus & Distractions” and its affects at this time. Ironically, I had already been writing and studying many books on the different types of focus we have in this present-day reality while on my break. So quite naturally, I took this as a divine intervention and accepted the project! BUT there was so much found about the key elements of focus and its relation to distraction and our reality, that I will need to break this article up into 3 PARTS. That’s right, we are going to dive deep ladies and gentlemen. We are going to get personal, spiritual, scientific, and most of all get very very technical. But don’t worry, the new information I am about to present will truly BLOW YOUR MINDS and even make some of ya’ll take a break and come back to read more. Yes, it’s really that heavy, but not so serious that we can’t have fun with it right??
SO, as always beloveds grab your minds, pens, pencils, papers, teas and snacks or whatever you need to get comfortable for this ride and....
Discovering the Rabbithole
As mentioned before in other articles, we must understand the power of our minds and the importance of how it affects our everyday lives, especially physically and spiritually. Some of us go to work, watch TV/movies, eat, take care of our families, go out with friends, go to school and do other activities throughout our day on a day-to-day basis. Yet, how many of us sit down and genuinely break down our days after participating in these activities? How many of us shut off our phones and meditate in between the madness that goes on in our everyday lives? The tears, the anger, the happiness, the disappointments, the love etc. Believe it or not, rather if we’re participating in these activities or not, we still are either focusing on these activities or distracting ourselves with these activities. Through the good or bad there just certain things that gain our attention so much that the energy starts to spread throughout our lives, our homes or even our families. After every experience we have we build a sort of mental library and spiritual intake of our experiences. It is similar to buying an item at a store and receiving the receipt to see what you’ve bought and how much it had cost you.
Hence, the meaning PAYING (handing over, exchanging or transferring an investment of something or someone; rather lost or gained) ATTENTION (taking notice or special care of something or someone). Its kind of funny how this simple rule is overlooked by the masses. Nonetheless, whatever we invest in in our lives, it comes with a price behind it. Some prices are heavier than others and some prices take on the chance of risking everything you have. So, we can safely say that we literally PAY the price for every decision we make in our lives, not just in the case of money related currency but in physical currency, spiritual currency and mental currency also.
Our focus can be our greatest attribute if used correctly and directly with a purpose. In fact, a part of the definition of focus is “the quality of producing a clear visual”.
Hey....Nuff said!!
Now, the opposite of producing a clear visual would be what we call distraction. Funny enough this is something we all do consciously and subconsciously. Like a bad habit of biting nails or procrastination, we act on mental reflexes daily without taking notice of how it affects our lives. Distractions can lead to stress and prevents us from focusing on what’s truly important and according to the definition can cause, “extreme agitation of our mind and emotions”. I’m sure many of us have smacked ourselves on the forehead many times from making the mistake of getting distracted and even laugh at ourselves because we feel so stupid for letting it happen. But that’s life. Shit happens, and we must deal with and accept our wins and losses. May we dig deeper? Yes, indeed we can! In fact, what we don’t understand is that even a “focus” itself can be a distraction and vice versa. Why? Because we can focus on the wrong things and direct our focus toward energies that are against our own best interest. On the other hand, distraction can’t work without something focusing on it. Now why am I saying this? Because a focus itself is more than just an action. It is more than one chord in one socket or one rabbithole to crawl through leading to a dead end.
Focus is a powerful force of nature based on frequencies of thought and energy.
It is such an integral force of nature that it can even be ingrained in our DNA as power. Kind of like the superhero Spider-Man.

When Spider-Man got bitten by the mutated spider to gain his powers, all the spiders venom needed was a direct plug to make his powers available to him. A direct plug that could be used to turn the spider venom into something tangible enough for a purposeful use. Thus, Peter Parker's DNA became the direct plug needed to spark a change. Like an electrical cord, the spiders venom became an insulator that covered Peters DNA strands and his DNA strands were the direct conductors that pushed forward the process of Peter Parker attaining his superhuman abilities. As a result, it made the powers unlimitedly accessible and Peter Parker untimely very powerful. Without a plug to compliment the electrical signals in the cord to make its power available for use, the electrical cord becomes ineffective and ultimately sterile. Like a seed that doesn’t grow. It would just be a seed; nothing more - nothing less.
That ladies and gentlemen is how focus and the power of attention works! Without some type of target to focus on then all that energy we use in our brain will become useless in the end. What’s the purpose of the body without the brain directing its function and power? Exactly that. Just a dead body.
Have I caught your attention???
Awesome! There is more of this journey we have not tapped into yet and we are only in the beginning on this path to wisdom. It’s about to get DEEP family.
I’m going to show you how deep the rabbithole truly goes!....
Please click here to move onto Part 2 of this journey.
