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DMX: The NUMEROLOGICAL & MYTHICAL meaning behind his death

Writer: Kenta TahirKenta Tahir

Updated: Oct 27, 2023

Earl "DMX" Simmons

b. December 18th 1970 - d. April 9th 2021

As we all know, Earl Simmons aka DMX has transcended with the ancestors. So in honor of this God (you'll see why I call him 'God" by reading this full article), I am going to break down the SPIRITUAL science behind his transitioning period and life. We have our earthly plans and the spiritual realm has its own plans.

Read below to see more behind his struggling yet successful life & ultimately his symbolic death.


- “DMX” in Chaldean Numerology System is the number “13”

D=4; M=4; X=5 (5+4+4=13)

- He Died April 9 (4+9=13)

April 9 2021 (4+9+5= 18; 1+8=9)

- He was Born December 18; 8+1=9

- His full name, Earl Simmons breaks down to the number “13” in Pythagorean Numerology System

- His soul reincarnated as the God of the underworld Anubis (And also Osiris)

(Book: Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities by Patricia Turner & Charles Russel Courtier)

- “13” represents the star Sirius, which sometimes called the “Dog Star” because it's part of the constellation Canis Major the Greater Dog

- Anubis, numerologically adds up to the number “18” or “9” (1+8=9) in the Chaldean Numerology System.

- He died in the season of Aries which has a planetary ruling of Mars. Mars is ruled by the # “9”

Ergo; he died on April 9th and he was born under a personality number “9” (Dec. 18)

-Anpu (Anubis), Inpu (another name for Anubis) & Earl Simmons in Chaldean numerology equals the numbers “11”, “20” & 20”; all three sum up to the # “2”. He was admitted to the hospital on April 2nd @ 11:00pm (1+1=2).

- White Plains is 7miles & 11km away from 2 rivers in NY. 7+1+1=“9”

- DMX would be with stray dogs at night at the age of 14. In Kemetic mythology, Anubis would assist Osiris in the second hour of the night.

- He transitioned at the Age of “50” which is equivalent to the 50 Gates of understanding/Wisdom in ancient Torah scripture. Tantric goddess (10 Mahavidyas) Kali, often wears a garland of freshly severed heads. Blood from her bleeding garland bathes her body. The number of heads in the mundamala is generally described as the number “50”.

-His name “DMX” was taken after his favorite instrument called a “Oberheim DMX”

- “Oberheim” in Chaldean equals the number “31” which is “13” backwards


Welp! There you have it people.

We may not realize it now, but we are all here to live on earth as a valuable principle to fulfill certain purpose. This article was used for educational purposes only and to only widen the third eye of all viewers who wish to know the spiritual symbolism behind this physical world.

As the great Lauryn Hill said, EVERYTHING IS EVERYTHING.

We grant DMX eternal rest with the ancestors and most high.

We are going to miss you greatly!!! You have done a great service to us all.

Bless up to the God & may he forever be in peace🙏🏾

Ase 🔮📿⚱️

- Kenta 🌎



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