If you watch the NEW CANDYMAN pay very close attention to the part with the cops, Anthony & the very end. You’ll QUICKLY begin to recognize all the myths of Osiris being told in each legacy/movie of Candyman.
⚠️HINT #1: This myth of Osiris circled in the image above will be showed in the beginning of the NEW CANDYMAN
⚠️HINT #2: Cops were called 'pigs' which is a term derived from the black panthers in the 1970's. What is a wild pig called in nature? (Google it)🐖
So there you have it! Yes I know, your thinking, "Ok...so is that it!?"
Yes...Yes it is!!
I don't want to ruin all the fun and give you ALL the answers (LOL). Sometimes you have to go and explore the answers yourself. Your journey toward enlightenment has only one path and it is fitted specifically for you. That's what makes us unique from one another. Just like a movie. Every movie has multiple vantage points and one person cannot catch every single one of them by themselves. It takes TEAM-WORK.
After all, you may catch something I did not catch before. Honestly, I hope you do find something I did not find. That just makes the whole journey even more exciting for me a second time! New information and new perspectives arises every day in this age of technological advancement. What is the truth today, can be history tomorrow. Remember, just because you didn't notice it before it doesn't mean it did not exist in the first place. You feel me?? Cool. 👍🏿
Oh yeah! Pft - I almost forgot.
When you watch all the movies don't forget to take notes, pay close attention, take your time (rewind scenes if you have to), DO-THE-RESEARCH, and cover ALL the mirrors in your home (even the dirty or broken ones).
Happy watching family!!
Peace & Love
- Kenta 🌎
P.S. 😊👇🏿