“I am the writing on the wall, the whisper in the classroom! Without these things, I am nothing. So now, I must shed innocent blood. COME WITH ME!”
WHOA. Very creepy indeed!
For all of us who have been terrified in our nightmares from the movie Candyman (created by Clive Barker's in the Book of Blood series Vol. 5) FEAR NOT.
I have broke down the barriers of the movie series and was able to pick apart the key elements of each film. Each movie we watch in our lifetime represents a type of symbolism or message that the creators want to portray to the viewers. For those who only see a movie with just your two eyes, you will miss the message. You are a neophyte who only seeks the apparent of entertainment and not the true vision of the film. If this is you, hide under your sheets, turn on your night light, turn back now and do not continue reading this breakdown. 🚫
BUT for those who see pass the apparent and seek the true meaning behind what you see with your naked eyes, you are adept, and you have found the right place. ✔️
Below is part one of the break down of Candyman.
Read if you dare!
- In a ceremonial offering known as the "Opening of the Mouth", priests used special instruments to place honey into the mouth of a statue/mummy of a king or other great noble. Lines in ancient rituals indicate that the Kemetics may have even believed that the soul of a man (his "ka", or double; the part which continues after death) took the form of a bee. Another ritual from the Book of "Am-Tuat", or "the Otherworld", compares the voices of souls to the hum of bees. 🐝

- The bee has been strongly associated with royal titles as demonstrated by the fact that King Menes (Min, Mena, Meni; the first king of Egypt (Kemet) and founder of the First Egyptian Dynasty), was called "the Beekeeper”; a title recognized to all Pharaohs. An image of the bee was even positioned next to the King’s cartouche

- Kemetic mythology even has beliefs that bees were the tears of the god RA (The sun god of Annu/Heliopolis.) In the movie, Candyman only came through mirrors, which were a symbol in Kemet for the Sun Disk or setting sun of Ka/Ra (coming back to earth).
- When Ausar/Osiris passed into the Duat (Afterlife), his successors would take up the crook (heka) and the flail (nekhakha) to continue his legacy. Osiris adapted his insignia of the rule, crook and flail. ⚱️

- Candyman also represented Osiris w/his hook hand & by passing down his legacy by congregation. Ra, is also a manifestation of Osiris (ref: Book of the Dead). After death, Osiris became Lord of the Underworld, Resurrector and Judge of the Dead. He represents the sun who is overcome by night but who rises again the next morning. ☠️
Book Sources: Sacred insects of ancient Egypt. Kendall Bioresearch Service; 2009; Hwt bjt, the house of the bee (Gough, 2009). The Egyptologist, Wallis Budge (Gough,
2009); Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities, Charles R. Coulter); "The Sacred Bee in Ancient Times and Folklore" George Allen & Unwin, 1937. Pp. 19-41.)
(Source: The Tears Of Ra: Beekeeping of Ancient Egypt by Gene Kritsky, 2015.)
Hello my victim. Enjoy this breakdown?
Well go ahead...look in a mirror and say Candyman FIVE times as you click the link below to part 2 of the Candyman breakdown.